Spring Forward into a New You

“My sun sets to rise again.” — Robert Browning

It’s spring! What a great time to get refreshed, start new positive habits in your life and set new goals. Spring is known as the time of rebirth, spring cleaning and shedding off the old. I do think that spring cleaning your home, de-cluttering and cleansing can be very healing and motivational to many people. If you’ve felt blocked in the past, not reaching your goals, clearing your space can be a good start to generating new energy and to try again toward your goals.

Maybe it’s time for a new perspective. Have you felt depressed or unfocused? Maybe find a new group to join like a writer’s group, singles activities, or a church, maybe find a new activity to participate in like group painting, sports, or running.

If food and nutrition is your focus, do a spring cleaning of your kitchen. Get rid of old canned goods (if they aren’t expired, donate them to the food shelf), remove any junk food. Try some new foods, rearrange your kitchen to make it more convenient to prepare and pack healthy food. If you have others in your house that aren’t on board with the cleanout, designate a drawer and a cupboard for the foods that you don’t want to have at eye level. Studies have shown the foods you see will be the foods you crave and eat. http://www.cnn.com/2007/HEALTH/diet.fitness/09/21/kd.mindless.eating/index.html

Fill your refrigerator and countertops with healthy snacks and fresh vegetables. Have your healthy proteins made and easy to grab when you are heading out the door, or that you can quickly prepare into dinner. Have items like baby carrots, snap peas, hummus, apples, boiled eggs, and other easy to grab refreshments. Keep you cup for tea where you can see it, keep your water glass or bottle handy.

Same with fitness. What can you clear out of your life? What fresh, new habit can you add? What are you really dedicated to achieve? Why is it important to you? What’s kept you from it previously? Maybe you need to focus on just one thing. Again, what do you REALLY want and what are you willing to give up to have it or to achieve your goal? Try to set a realistic, time-framed, specific goal (I will lose 1 pound a week for the next 12 weeks). Write it down, note why it’s important to you (I want to get off blood pressure medication, I want to look fabulous in my bikini, I want to have energy to play outside with my kids, etc.). What are you willing to give up to have it? (happy hour, more than one “free meal” a week, a tv program that you watch that you could instead be at the gym, and so on). You can do it! Use this spring as your time for renewal and take the steps to move toward your goal. We cannot start over, but we can begin now, and make a new ending.”—Zig Ziglar

I’m always here to help, so please email me if there is something I can give you some information on or a question you would like me to write about. [email protected]

Liz Jones is the Wellness Coordinator for the City of Mesquite and a wellness professional in Rockwall, Mesquite, Wylie and surrounding areas. She is a writer, certified yoga instructor, personal trainer and wellness coach. She holds a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership and Strategic Management, with a graduate certificate in Ethics and Leadership. Her undergraduate studies included communication, business, writing, art, fitness, and dance. Liz Jones can be reached at: [email protected].

yoga up