What the Plus??

I occasionally catch the Dr. Oz show and was watching an episode that they were highlighting “plus sized models.” One model was a size 12 Sports Illustrated model. She looked great, and certainly not what you would think of when referring to “plus sized.” Yes, she’s tall. Yes, she’s curvy. But she is fit and I have no reason to believe that she is not healthy. At 6’ 2”, if she was anything under a size 12, she very likely would have an unhealthy body composition. It’s frustrating to see media or public opinion create the images that young girls and women feel that they have to look a certain way. I am often conflicted with this myself, being a woman, who wants to be attractive and fit, but also being a women’s advocate and believing that healthy is beautiful.

When I was a teenager, I was somewhat underweight and often accused of being anorexic, although I never had eating issues. However, I had no muscle at all. As I got older and my body changed, I gained weight and would have been considered what, by today’s standard, is plus-sized. Today, I am within the BMI and body fat charts as healthy weight, but I carry a lot of muscle, so I sometimes am annoyed with the numbers on the scale. How is any woman ever supposed to NOT feel pressured to be overly perfect?

Lists like Maxim’s “Hot 100” are battled by “The Real Hot 100” list that names young women who have accomplished things in the community and have potential to change the world. Cindy Crawford, Jessica Simpson, and other celebrities have been harassed in the media for showing a belly in pictures that went public. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be fit and beautiful, but when women are denigrated for looking normal, it creates a very toxic culture for young girls to grow up in. They also shouldn’t be shamed for being skinny, but if they do not have healthy eating and exercise habits, there is reason for concern. Healthy should be the goal. Sexy is just a bonus to being healthy.

That doesn’t mean that a woman cannot be slightly over or under “the charts” and still have a healthy body, with good blood work, but the question comes in, “Are they?” That is my concern with things like the Dove campaign that promotes women’s beauty at any size. Yes every ‘body’ can be beautiful, and beauty is about far more than your size, but it is a dangerous line we cross when we encourage women to not worry about it if they are overweight. So what’s the right answer? In my opinion, it’s optimal health. And with that the benefit of looking good will come. It’s about raising our daughters to understand that public opinion does not matter, how you feel and function is what really matters. While we all want to be considered the ideal of beauty, the more that is focused on our outer beauty, the harder it becomes to accept yourself and your humanness. I live with a teenaged girl and see what she goes through with perceived public pressure. I occasionally find myself on days where I feel and look bloated making comments about myself that are not positive, but I try to remember that what I say in front of her will have an influence on how she feels about herself. So I try to focus on being a healthy role model. I eat clean, I go to the gym and workout in the yard. I try to relax once in a while. I’m not perfect and I never will be, but I know that if I lack self-esteem, it will reflect in those around me. So, LOVE yourself as you are right now, don’t feel shame if you are not where you want to be, don’t strive for others’ ideals. However, also LOVE yourself and those you care for enough to strive to be healthy.

Liz Jones is the Wellness Coordinator for the City of Mesquite and a wellness professional in Rockwall, Mesquite, Wylie and surrounding areas. She is a writer, certified yoga instructor, personal trainer and wellness coach. She holds a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership and Strategic Management, with a graduate certificate in Ethics and Leadership. Her undergraduate studies included communication, business, writing, art, fitness, and dance. Liz Jones can be reached at: [email protected].