Goodbye to a Guy Who’s not my Hero

Yesterday Wayne Dyer, my favorite author, passed away on to his next adventure. He was the author of “Your Erroneous Zones,” “The Wisdom of the Tao,” “Invisible Force,” and a couple dozen other books. I said to my friend Teri, who is one of my “soul-sisters” how much it sucked when one of your heroes dies. But as I thought about it more, I know that he did not want to be a hero, he just was. He was someone that millions of people felt a spiritual connection with, even if they had never met him. So, he was not my hero- he was one of my tribe though, a soul-sibling. Dr. Dyer had a profound impact on my life, with his wise words and calm nature, I read his books every chance that I had and many of his books helped me to focus my life on the things that are important to me. Every time I was scanning past PBS and saw that one of his specials was on, I’d click to the channel, even if I had seen the broadcast a dozen times. Although we are all on a life-long journey, and are always a work-in-progress, I feel as if my life is very different than it may have been, in part because of his teaching. One of his lessons that sticks with me the most is to be free from the need for approval from others. To really be yourself and to know that in each moment you are as you should be.

As an author he inspires me to write. I’ve been working on a book proposal for the past two years for Hay House, which publishes many of his books, and I always thought that maybe someday I would be able to present with Dr. Dyer. I will always feel as if there is a small part of him in much of my writing, and that I know that I need to keep writing. Writers write. Pretty simple wisdom. Knowing that writing and connecting with other people is how to do my part to help the world.

When I turn to today’s passage in his book “The Invisible Force,” it states:

Within you is an infinite, passionate soul that wishes to express itself. It’s the God within you, urging you to fulfill a deep sense of what you were meant to be.

Somehow I know that was meant for me.

Wayne Dyer emulated all that we should seek in life. Happiness. Contentment. Compassion. Even during times of struggle, he taught us that we choose our lives, we create our destiny. Focus your attention on what you want more of. Love other people, even when they are annoying. Many times the less lovable someone is being, the more they need to be loved.

The world has lost a great man, but Eternity has gained an amazing soul. I’d like to think his spirit somehow lives on in those of us whose lives he touched. Namaste Wayne Dyer, you were truly the human representation of the Divine in all of us.


Liz Jones is the Wellness Coordinator for the City of Mesquite and a wellness professional in Rockwall, Mesquite, Wylie and surrounding areas. She is a writer, certified yoga instructor, personal trainer and wellness coach. She holds a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership and Strategic Management, with a graduate certificate in Ethics and Leadership. Her undergraduate studies included communication, business, writing, art, fitness, and dance. Liz Jones can be reached at: [email protected].