Spring Cleaning by Liz Jones March 2014

Spring is on its way. The weather in Texas has been bipolar- hot one day, freezing and sleet the next- so it’s definitely a sign of spring right around the corner. I’ve felt the effects of the change in season myself, feeling low energy and restless at the same time for a few days. I know I need to do something to feel like my happiest, healthiest self again. It’s a good time to clear your space, doing spring cleaning both in your home, your office, your car and your body. Throw out the junk food in your house. Donate canned goods of processed foods. If you have kids or a roommate or partner that you can’t remove all of the processed food from the house, designate an area for the “junk” food.

For me, this is a good time of year to do a cleansing detox program for a few days. I don’t personally do fasting cleanses, but I do think that eating a vegetable and fruit based diet, while increasing your water intake and drinking tea can help to cleanse the body, give yourself a boost toward weight loss, and increase energy levels.

Drink more water, get quality sleep. Focus on clean eating and nutrition. Exercise is a proven way to help your body detoxify. Sweat. Increase your fiber intake. Eat brown rice, quinoa, beans, and green vegetables. I also like to drink green tea and dandelion root tea. I recommend adding apple cider vinegar to your food as well, or drinking a Tablespoon of it in hot water, a few times a day.
Certain yoga poses can help your body as well. Practicing yoga helps to reduce your stress level. Twists stimulate digestion and elimination, and legs up a wall, downward dog and other inversions aid your lymphatic system and promote blood flow.
Ways to help your body detoxify:
• Yoga: Yoga not only helps the body relax and reduce the cortisol levels in your body, many yoga asanas (poses) help the body detoxify. Twisting poses help the digestive system and many poses, especially inversions, stimulate the lymphatic system.
• Epsom salt baths: Mixing Epsom salt with a natural oil such as coconut oil or olive oil makes a great, natural body scrub. Epsom salt in hot water helps to draw out toxins, help the body to relax. (Epsom salt can also be used as a gentle laxative when ingested)
• Massage therapy: Massage also helps you to relax, releases endorphins into your body, stimulates and drains the lymphatic system and releases lactic acid built up in your muscles.
• Dry brushing your skin and hair: Dry brushing your skin and hair also helps stimulate the lymphatic system as well as removing toxins and waste from the surface of the body. This also stimulates natural healing. Natural bristle brushes are best and always brush toward your heart.
• Apple cider vinegar: helps with digestion and is said to flush fat from the body.
• Water, water, water!: Drinking enough water each day is probably the best way to help your body remove toxins, stay hydrated and refresh the entire body.
• Barley powder: barley powder is a great addition to your diet when doing a cleanse. It is one of the most nutritionally dense substances out there including nine amino acids. It is known to help with skin ailments as well from the inside out. Its high fiber content helps the body to eliminate waste.
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Liz Jones is the Wellness Coordinator for the City of Mesquite and a wellness professional in Rockwall, Mesquite, Wylie and surrounding areas. She is a writer, certified yoga instructor, personal trainer and wellness coach. She holds a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership and Strategic Management, with a graduate certificate in Ethics and Leadership. Her undergraduate studies included communication, business, writing, art, fitness, and dance. Liz Jones can be reached at: [email protected].