Alcohol Awareness Month by Liz Jones April 2014

The first thing I will say is if you have an addiction issue, to seek professional help. Other than that, as a trainer, I rarely tell people that they have to quit drinking… people don’t like that. It’s one of the habits that many people just won’t give up, so I often have to help them find ways that they can cut back on alcohol and save it for “treat days,” special occasions, or in moderation if they have a glass of wine or a beer in the evenings. Of course, if you have fitness goals that you are trying to reach, the BEST choice would be to cut out the extra calories from drinking.
I lived in Wisconsin for thirty-five years of my life and the state is known for beer drinking (heard of Old Milwaukee anyone?), so growing up, it really was a part of the culture. I am not an addiction specialist, so I will leave that specific topic to the professionals in that field. However, from a fitness and wellness perspective, how much and what type of alcohol you drink can affect your life. Having a drink occasionally has been shown by some studies to help the heart, but binge drinking or drinking more than one drink (for women) or two drinks (for men) a day can start to have negative effects on your heart, liver, and brain. Alcohol can increase the occurrence of depression and anxiety. Excessive alcohol use has also been linked to increasing risks for certain cancers.
As far as fitness, if you are working toward physique goals, such as losing a large amount of weight or getting “ripped” to compete in bodybuilding, most fitness professionals, such as one of my favorites, Mike O’Hearn (American Gladiators- both the old and the most recent series, Mr. Natural Olympia, fitness model, etc.), recommends that you never touch alcohol. Research shows that it can mess up your hormonal system, deters muscle growth, create a “beer belly” and “man boobs” as well as fat throughout the rest of the body. Alcohol can also cause dehydration, which can affect your weight loss, cause headaches, and increase the likeliness of getting wrinkles. Also, drinking causes most people to make poor nutritional choices. I can personally say the only time I have ever eaten a bag of Doritos, there was alcohol involved in the splurge.
If you are trying to get fit, it’s best to cut out most alcohol, but if you do decide to drink, stick to choices like merlot, vodka and soda water, or occasionally a light beer or Chelada (beer and Clamato), but beer, no matter how light, will generally cause bloating. Avoid sugary drinks like margaritas, mojitos, cream-based drinks, or darker beers. It’s really a personal choice, and you have to balance what you want with what you want to give up. Do you want your nightly glass of wine more than you want a flat belly? Do you want to have beers at happy hour with your friends more than you want to fit into your pants? When it comes to your health, you also need to weigh the costs and benefits to your choices. For more information, I’ve included some links to other resources.
Bodybuilding and alcohol:
Alcohol limit:
Get help:
Teens and alcohol:

Liz Jones is the Wellness Coordinator for the City of Mesquite and a wellness professional in Rockwall, Mesquite, Wylie and surrounding areas. She is a writer, certified yoga instructor, personal trainer and wellness coach. She holds a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership and Strategic Management, with a graduate certificate in Ethics and Leadership. Her undergraduate studies included communication, business, writing, art, fitness, and dance. Liz Jones can be reached at: [email protected].